Academic papers
This is a (non-exhaustive) list of academic papers that discuss the Method of Equal Shares.
Proportional Participatory Budgeting with Additive Utilities. Dominik Peters, Grzegorz Pierczyński, and Piotr Skowron. Published at the NeurIPS 2021 conference. PDF (Updated October 2022).
Proportionality in Approval-Based Participatory Budgeting. Markus Brill, Stefan Forster, Martin Lackner, Jan Maly, and Jannik Peters. Published at the AAAI 2023 conference. PDF.
Robust and Verifiable Proportionality Axioms for Multiwinner Voting. Markus Brill and Jannik Peters. PDF
Participatory Budgeting Design for the Real World. Roy Fairstein, Gerdus Benadè, and Kobi Gal. Published at the AAAI 2023 conference. PDF (10 MB).
Proportional Budget Allocations: Towards a Systematization. Maaike Los, Zoé Christoff, and Davide Grossi. Published at the IJCAI 2022 conference. PDF.
- Nauka w Polsce (Science in Poland): Naukowcy proponują, jak efektywniej liczyć głosy w budżecie obywatelskim (Scientists propose how to count votes in the participatory budget more effectively).
- Polskie Radio RDC: Sprawiedliwe liczenie głosów (Fairly counting votes). Interview with Piotr Skowron (in Polish), 2023-01-26, 20:46 minutes.
- Radia TOK FM: Matematyka pomoże demokracji. Wymyśli lepsze zasady głosowania na budżet obywatelski (Mathematics will help democracy: It will come up with better rules for voting for the participatory budget). Interview with Piotr Skowron (in Polish), 2023-02-04, 15:40 minutes.
- The Method of Equal Shares explained in 5 minutes [YouTube, presented by Piotr Skowron]
Other websites
- Wikipedia page on the Method of Equal Shares.